flying lessons for everyone

Imagine flying like a bird, soaring above the earth, touching the clouds. Well, dream no more.
We offer a variety of exhilirating aviation experiences from gently gliding above the Cumbrian mountains to aerobatics over the beautiful British couyntryside. Simply choose the flying experience you want and purchase a lesson or gift voucher online.

Helicopter Flights

Experience the thrill of a helicopter flight; vertical take-off and hovering.

Helicopter rides, pleasure flights and trial lessons from &pount;107. Find out how you gain a PPL(H) and book your first flying lesson from airfields across the country.

Flying Lessons

Take your first flying lesson in a light aircraft.

From gentle sight-seeing flights to aerobatics. Book a flight, get a log book and take the first step to acquiring your private pilots license (PPL)

Try Gliding

Glide silently above the ground, take control and experience flying like a bird.

Gliding lessons from £65 include a months BGA membership and allow you to fly again at a local club as a member.

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